A Moment of Appreciation – Prestigious Journal ‘The Lancet’ has honored Prof. Dr. Buddha Basnyat
January 16, 2023

We are very pleased to share Lancet ID profile of Prof. Dr. Buddha Basnyat published in the current issue of ‘The Lancet’ on this ‘January 2023’, who is arguably the best known face of the research community of Nepal to outside world. I hope it will inspire the upcoming researchers of Nepal that research scientists from Nepal can also contribute meaningfully to global knowledge while serving their own country’s need. Dr. Basnyat, is founding member and deputy executive chief of Nepal Public Health Foundation, and also had the honor of delivering the prestigious ‘Nepal Public Health Foundation Lecture’ on ‘December 2016’. The Lancet ID profile is a well deserved honor for a life dedicated to research in the field of infectious disease. Congratulations!
Mahesh K. Maskey
Founding Chair and Executive Chief