SAHaS activities updates

Activities Carried out
1. Regular participation of Social Mobilizers in Health Mothers Group and Health Facility Operation Management Committee meeting.
2. Providing refreshment cost to the FCHVs for each Mothers Group Meeting and Health Post In-charge for each HFOMC Meeting.
3. Continuous monitoring of Mothers group and HFOMC meeting by SM and Project Officers.
4. Preparation of proposal for conduction of research in SAHaS project implemented districts.
5. 5th bi-monthly review meeting was held on August 30, 2017 at NPHF.
6. Data collection for the research “Maternal and child health seeking behavior among women aged 15-45 years during earthquake of April- May 2015” by Social Mobilizers and Project Officers.
7. Preparation and submission of 5th and 6th bi-monthly report.
8. Organized prefab health facility handover program in different VDCs like Dalchowki, Narayansthan, Gairibisauna Deupur, Deurali, Nalang and Dolakha.
9. Conduction of Joint monitoring (D(P)HO NPHF and UNICEFF).