Dr. Hemav Raj Bhandari

Dr. Hemav Raj Bhandari is a Head of Department/Full time Consultant-Neurosurgeon in the Department of Neurosurgery, Kathmandu Model Hospital and also working as part time Consultant Neurosurgeon in Bluecross Hospital, Kathmandu Hospital and Grande City Hospital. He holds a Master of Neurosurgery (M.S.), Zhengzhou University, College of Medicine Zhengzhou, China, 2006 and Doctor of Medicine (M.D.), Yeungnam University, College of Medicine Taegu, South Korea, 1999 MS in Neurosurgery. He serves as a Consultant Neurosurgeon. Dr. Bhandari has been actively working in the field of medicine since 20 years. He also has long experience in working in the field of seizure treatment and has managed and worked for Nepal Epilepsy Association. He has actively participated in the free health camps and epilepsy camps organized by different hospitals and Nepal Epilepsy Association. Has long experience of working as a trainer for the health professionals dealing with epilepsy in rural parts of the country.
Major publications:
- Epilepsy field workers, a smartphone application and telephone telemedicine: Safe and effective epilepsy care in rural Nepal https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/30562653/
- Comorbid depression and its associated factors in patients with epilepsy treated with single and multiple drug therapy: A cross-sectional study from Himalayan country https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1525505020306351
- A Phone App to Diagnose Epileptic Seizures: A Useful Tool to Reduce the Epilepsy Treatment Gap in Poorer Countries https://n.neurology.org/content/82/10_Supplement/I10-1.009
- Validation of a Phone App for Epilepsy Diagnosis in India and Nepal https://www.academia.edu/18085053/Validation_of_a_Phone_App_for_Epilepsy_Diagnosis_in_India_and_Nepal
- Epilepsy field workers and telephone telemedicine: High patient satisfaction for a novel epilepsy service https://www.researchgate.net/publication/321470113_Epilepsy_field_workers_and_telephone_telemedicine_High_patient_satisfaction_for_a_novel_epilepsy_service
- Predictors of Unfavorable Seizure Outcome in Patients with Epilepsy in Nepal https://pascal-francis.inist.fr/vibad/index.php?action=getRecordDetail&idt=22327755